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General comment No. 28:


Article 3 (The equality of rights between men and women){§1}


Sixty-eighth session (2000)


1. The Committee has decided to update its general comment on article 3 of the Covenant and to replace general comment No. 4 (thirteenth session, 1981), in the light of the experience it has gathered in its activities over the last 20 years.

1. 委员会决定凭证往时20年行径中蕴蓄的素质更新对于《条约》第三条的一般性意见,并以此取代第4号一般性意见(1981年,第十三届会议)。

The present revision seeks to take account of the important impact of this article on the enjoyment by women of the human rights protected under the Covenant.


2. Article 3 implies that all human beings should enjoy the rights provided for in the Covenant, on an equal basis and in their totality.

2. 第三条意味着所有东说念主应对等和十足享受《条约》端正的权柄。

The full effect of this provision is impaired whenever any person is denied the full and equal enjoyment of any right.


Consequently, States should ensure to men and women equally the enjoyment of all rights provided for in the Covenant.


3. The obligation to ensure to all individuals the rights recognized in the Covenant, established in articles 2 and 3 of the Covenant, requires that States parties take all necessary steps to enable every person to enjoy those rights.

3. 《条约》第二和第三条端正的保证所有东说念主享有《条约》承认的权柄的义务要求缔约国选拔一切必要形貌,使每个东说念主能享有这些权柄。

These steps include the removal of obstacles to the equal enjoyment of such rights, the education of the population and of State officials in human rights, and the adjustment of domestic legislation so as to give effect to the undertakings set forth in the Covenant.


The State party must not only adopt measures of protection, but also positive measures in all areas so as to achieve the effective and equal empowerment of women.


States parties must provide information regarding the actual role of women in society so that the Committee may ascertain what measures, in addition to legislative provisions, have been or should be taken to give effect to these obligations, what progress has been made, what difficulties are encountered and what steps are being taken to overcome them.


4. States parties are responsible for ensuring the equal enjoyment of rights without any discrimination.

4. 缔约国有拖累保证平正享受权柄,不受任何脑怒。

Articles 2 and 3 mandate States parties to take all steps necessary, including the prohibition of discrimination on the ground of sex, to put an end to discriminatory actions, both in the public and the private sector, which impair the equal enjoyment of rights.



5. Inequality in the enjoyment of rights by women throughout the world is deeply embedded in tradition, history and culture, including religious attitudes.

5. 全天下妇女在享受权柄方面的不对等快活植根于传统、历史和文化之中,包括宗教气魄。

The subordinate role of women in some countries is illustrated by the high incidence of prenatal sex selection and abortion of female foetuses.


States parties should ensure that traditional, historical, religious or cultural attitudes are not used to justify violations of women’s right to equality before the law and to equal enjoyment of all Covenant rights.


States parties should furnish appropriate information on those aspects of tradition, history, cultural practices and religious attitudes which jeopardize, or may jeopardize, compliance with article 3, and indicate what measures they have taken or intend to take to overcome such factors.


6. In order to fulfil the obligation set forth in article 3, States parties should take account of the factors which impede the equal enjoyment by women and men of each right specified in the Covenant.

6. 为了履行第三条端正的义务,缔约国应试虑袭击男女对等享受《条约》端正的每一项权柄的身分。

To enable the Committee to obtain a complete picture of the situation of women in each State party as regards the implementation of the rights in the Covenant, this general comment identifies some of the factors affecting the equal enjoyment by women of the rights under the Covenant and spells out the type of information that is required with regard to these rights.


7. The equal enjoyment of human rights by women must be protected during a state of emergency (art. 4).

7. 在进军状态工夫,妇女对等享受东说念主权的权柄必须得到保护(第四条)。

States parties which take measures derogating from their obligations under the Covenant in time of public emergency, as provided in article 4, should provide information to the Committee with respect to the impact on the situation of women of such measures and should demonstrate that they are non-discriminatory.


8. Women are particularly vulnerable in times of internal or international armed conflicts.

8. 在发生国内或国外武装破裂时,妇女格外容易受到伤害。

States parties should inform the Committee of all measures taken during these situations to protect women from rape, abduction and other forms of gender-based violence.


9. In becoming parties to the Covenant, States undertake, in accordance with article 3, to ensure the equal right of men and women to the enjoyment of all civil and political rights set forth in the Covenant, and in accordance with article 5, nothing in the Covenant may be interpreted as implying for any State, group or person any right to engage in any activity or perform any act aimed at the destruction of any of the rights provided for in article 3, or at limitations not covered by the Covenant.

9. 成为《条约》的缔约方,缔约国即是凭证第三条承诺保证男女对等享有《条约》所载一切公民权柄和政事权柄。 凭证第五条,《条约》中任何部分不得证明为隐示任何国度、团体或个东说念主有权柄从事于任何旨在苟且该条端正的任何权柄或对它们实行《条约》莫得端正的松手的行径或行径。

Moreover, there shall be no restriction upon or derogation from the equal enjoyment by women of all fundamental human rights recognized or existing pursuant to law, conventions, regulations or customs, on the pretext that the Covenant does not recognize such rights or that it recognizes them to a lesser extent.


10. When reporting on the right to life protected by article 6, States parties should provide data on birth rates and on pregnancy- and childbirth-related deaths of women.

10. 在提交关系受第六条保护的生命权的报酬时,缔约国应提供对于降生率和对于妇女与妊娠和生产关系的亏空率的数据。

Gender-disaggregated data should be provided on infant mortality rates.


States parties should give information on any measures taken by the State to help women prevent unwanted pregnancies, and to ensure that they do not have to undergo life-threatening clandestine abortions.


States parties should also report on measures to protect women from practices that violate their right to life, such as female infanticide, the burning of widows and dowry killings.


The Committee also wishes to have information on the particular impact on women of poverty and deprivation that may pose a threat to their lives.


11. To assess compliance with article 7 of the Covenant, as well as with article 24, which mandates special protection for children, the Committee needs to be provided information on national laws and practice with regard to domestic and other types of violence against women, including rape.

11. 在评估《条约》第七条以及端正对儿童给予格外保护的第二十四条的顺从情况时,委员会需要取得对于国度法律和习尚的尊府,其中要阐明若何处理侵害妇女的家庭和其他类型的暴力问题。

It also needs to know whether the State party gives access to safe abortion to women who have become pregnant as a result of rape.


The States parties should also provide the Committee with information on measures to prevent forced abortion or forced sterilization.


In States parties where the practice of genital mutilation exists information on its extent and on measures to eliminate it should be provided.


The information provided by States parties on all these issues should include measures of protection, including legal remedies, for women whose rights under article 7 have been violated.


12. Having regard to their obligations under article 8, States parties should inform the Committee of measures taken to eliminate trafficking of women and children, within the country or across borders, and forced prostitution.

12. 对于第八条端正的义务,缔约国应向委员会先容为抹杀国内或跨鸿沟生意妇女和儿童及免强卖淫快活而选拔的纪律。

They must also provide information on measures taken to protect women and children, including foreign women and children, from slavery, disguised, inter alia, as domestic or other kinds of personal service.


States parties where women and children are recruited, and from which they are taken, and States parties where they are received should provide information on measures, national or international, which have been taken in order to prevent the violation of women’s and children’s rights.


13. States parties should provide information on any specific regulation of clothing to be worn by women in public.

13. 缔约国应提供关系妇女在巨匠场地应穿服装的任何具体条例的尊府。

The Committee stresses that such regulations may involve a violation of a number of rights guaranteed by the Covenant, such as: article 26, on non-discrimination; article 7, if corporal punishment is imposed in order to enforce such a regulation; article 9, when failure to comply with the regulation is punished by arrest; article 12, if liberty of movement is subject to such a constraint; article 17, which guarantees all persons the right to privacy without arbitrary or unlawful interference; articles 18 and 19, when women are subjected to clothing requirements that are not in keeping with their religion or their right of self-expression; and, lastly, article 27, when the clothing requirements conflict with the culture to which the woman can lay a claim.


14. With regard to article 9, States parties should provide information on any laws or practices which may deprive women of their liberty on an arbitrary or unequal basis, such as by confinement within the house (see general comment No. 8, paragraph 1).

14. 对于第九条,缔约国应提供尊府,先容有可能大肆或回击正打劫妇女解放,如家内软禁的任何法律或作法(见第8号一般性意见,第1段)。

15. As regards articles 7 and 10, States parties must provide all information relevant to ensuring that the rights of persons deprived of their liberty are protected on equal terms for men and women.

15. 对于第七和第十条,缔约国必须提供一切关系尊府,阐明若何确保被打劫解放者的权柄不分男女均受到对等保护。

In particular, States parties should report on whether men and women are separated in prisons and whether women are guarded only by female guards.


States parties should also report about compliance with the rule that accused juvenile females shall be separated from adults and on any difference in treatment between male and female persons deprived of liberty, such as access to rehabilitation and education programmes and to conjugal and family visits.


Pregnant women who are deprived of their liberty should receive humane treatment and respect for their inherent dignity at all times, and in particular during the birth and while caring for their newborn children; States parties should report on facilities to ensure this and on medical and health care for such mothers and their babies.


16. As regards article 12, States parties should provide information on any legal provision or any practice which restricts women’s right to freedom of movement, for example the exercise of marital powers over the wife or of parental powers over adult daughters; legal or de facto requirements which prevent women from travelling, such as the requirement of consent of a third party to the issuance of a passport or other type of travel documents to an adult woman.

16. 对于第十二条,缔约国应提供关系下列方面的尊府,松手妇女行动解放的任何法律端正或任何习俗,如对细君期骗夫权或对成年男儿期骗父母权柄;阻塞妇女旅行的法律或事实要求,如给成年妇女发护照或其他类型的旅行文献需经第三方甘心的要求。

States parties should also report on measures taken to eliminate such laws and practices and to protect women against them, including reference to available domestic remedies (see general comment No. 27, paragraphs 6 and 18).


17. States parties should ensure that alien women are accorded on an equal basis the right to submit arguments against their expulsion and to have their case reviewed, as provided in article 13.

17. 缔约国应保证异邦妇女在对等基础上享有第十三条端正的建议反对被结果的根由和使其案件得到复审的权柄。

In this regard, they should be entitled to submit arguments based on gender-specific violations of the Covenant such as those mentioned in paragraphs 10 and 11 above.


18. States parties should provide information to enable the Committee to ascertain whether access to justice and the right to a fair trial, provided for in article 14, are enjoyed by women on equal terms with men.

18. 缔约国应提供尊府,使委员会能细目妇女是否能在与男人对等的基础上享有第十四条端正的得到平正和平正审判的权柄。

In particular, States parties should inform the Committee whether there are legal provisions preventing women from direct and autonomous access to the courts (see communication No. 202/1986, Ato del Avellanal v. Peru, Views of 28 October 1988); whether women may give evidence as witnesses on the same terms as men; and whether measures are taken to ensure women equal access to legal aid, in particular in family matters.

具体而言缔约国应见告委员会是否有袭击妇女径直和自动投诉法院的法律端正(见第202/1986号来文,Ato del Avellanal诉秘鲁,1988年10月28日的意见);妇女是否与男人一样可作为证东说念主作证;以及是否选拔纪律保证妇女对等取得法律补助,格外是在家庭问题方面。

States parties should report on whether certain categories of women are denied the enjoyment of the presumption of innocence under article 14, paragraph 2, and on the measures which have been taken to put an end to this situation.


19. The right of everyone under article 16 to be recognized everywhere as a person before the law is particularly pertinent for women, who often see it curtailed by reason of sex or marital status.

19. 对于东说念主东说念主在职何场地有权被承认在法律前的东说念主格的第十六条与妇女格外关系,因为妇女的这项权柄经常因性别和婚配气象而受到松手。

This right implies that the capacity of women to own property, to enter into a contract or to exercise other civil rights may not be restricted on the basis of marital status or any other discriminatory ground.


It also implies that women may not be treated as objects to be given, together with the property of the deceased husband, to his family.


States must provide information on laws or practices that prevent women from being treated or from functioning as full legal persons and the measures taken to eradicate laws or practices that allow such treatment.


20. States parties must provide information to enable the Committee to assess the effect of any laws and practices that may interfere with women’s right to enjoy privacy and other rights protected by article 17 on the basis of equality with men.

20. 缔约国必须提供尊府,使委员会能评估有可颖悟涉妇女在与男人对等的基础上享受秘籍权和第十七条保护的其他权柄的任何法律和习俗的影响。

An example of such interference arises where the sexual life of a woman is taken into consideration in deciding the extent of her legal rights and protections, including protection against rape.


Another area where States may fail to respect women’s privacy relates to their reproductive functions, for example, where there is a requirement for the husband’s authorization to make a decision in regard to sterilization; where general requirements are imposed for the sterilization of women, such as having a certain number of children or being of a certain age, or where States impose a legal duty upon doctors and other health personnel to report cases of women who have undergone abortion.


In these instances, other rights in the Covenant, such as those of articles 6 and 7, might also be at stake.


Women’s privacy may also be interfered with by private actors, such as employers who request a pregnancy test before hiring a woman.


States parties should report on any laws and public or private actions that interfere with the equal enjoyment by women of the rights under article 17, and on the measures taken to eliminate such interference and to afford women protection from any such interference.


21. States parties must take measures to ensure that freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and the freedom to adopt the religion or belief of one’s choice - including the freedom to change religion or belief and to express one’s religion or belief - will be guaranteed and protected in law and in practice for both men and women, on the same terms and without discrimination.

21. 缔约国必须选拔纪律,保证法律和习尚保险和保护男女以相通条目和不受脑怒地享受念念想、良心和宗教解放和取舍宗教或信仰的解放――包括调动宗教或信仰和标明宗教或信仰的解放。

These freedoms, protected by article 18, must not be subject to restrictions other than those authorized by the Covenant and must not be constrained by, inter alia, rules requiring permission from third parties, or by interference from fathers, husbands, brothers or others.


Article 18 may not be relied upon to justify discrimination against women by reference to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; States parties should therefore provide information on the status of women as regards their freedom of thought, conscience and religion, and indicate what steps they have taken or intend to take both to eliminate and prevent infringements of these freedoms in respect of women and to protect their right not to be discriminated against.


22. In relation to article 19, States parties should inform the Committee of any laws or other factors which may impede women from exercising the rights protected under this provision on an equal basis.

22. 对于第十九条,缔约国应见告委员会有可能袭击妇女在对等基础上期骗受这项端正保护的权柄的任何法律或其他身分。

As the publication and dissemination of obscene and pornographic material which portrays women and girls as objects of violence or degrading or inhuman treatment is likely to promote these kinds of treatment of women and girls, States parties should provide information about legal measures to restrict the publication or dissemination of such material.


23. States are required to treat men and women equally in regard to marriage in accordance with article 23, which has been elaborated further by general comment No. 19 (1990).

23. 第二十三条端正缔约国在婚配方面作念到男女待遇对等。 第19号一般性意见进一步弘扬了该条。

Men and women have the right to enter into marriage only with their free and full consent, and States have an obligation to protect the enjoyment of this right on an equal basis.

惟有经男女两边解放和十足的甘心,才能缔婚。 缔约国有义务保护这项权柄在对等基础的享受。

Many factors may prevent women from being able to make the decision to marry freely.


One factor relates to the minimum age for marriage.


That age should be set by the State on the basis of equal criteria for men and women.


These criteria should ensure women’s capacity to make an informed and uncoerced decision.


A second factor in some States may be that either by statutory or customary law a guardian, who is generally male, consents to the marriage instead of the woman herself, thereby preventing women from exercising a free choice.


24. Another factor that may affect women’s right to marry only when they have given free and full consent is the existence of social attitudes which tend to marginalize women victims of rape and put pressure on them to agree to marriage.

24. 可能影响妇女期骗惟有经解放和十足的甘心才能缔婚的权柄的另孤单分是社会气魄,这种气魄经常排除遭强奸的妇女受害者,对她们施加压力,要她们甘心成亲。

A woman’s free and full consent to marriage may also be undermined by laws which allow the rapist to have his criminal responsibility extinguished or mitigated if he marries the victim.


States parties should indicate whether marrying the victim extinguishes or mitigates criminal responsibility and, in the case in which the victim is a minor, whether the rape reduces the marriageable age of the victim, particularly in societies where rape victims have to endure marginalization from society.


A different aspect of the right to marry may be affected when States impose restrictions on remarriage by women that are not imposed on men.


Also, the right to choose one’s spouse may be restricted by laws or practices that prevent the marriage of a woman of a particular religion to a man who professes no religion or a different religion.


States should provide information on these laws and practices and on the measures taken to abolish the laws and eradicate the practices which undermine the right of women to marry only when they have given free and full consent.


It should also be noted that equality of treatment with regard to the right to marry implies that polygamy is incompatible with this principle.


Polygamy violates the dignity of women.


It is an inadmissible discrimination against women.


Consequently, it should be definitely abolished wherever it continues to exist.


25. To fulfil their obligations under article 23, paragraph 4, States parties must ensure that the matrimonial regime contains equal rights and obligations for both spouses with regard to the custody and care of children, the children’s religious and moral education, the capacity to transmit to children the parent’s nationality, and the ownership or administration of property, whether common property or property in the sole ownership of either spouse.

25. 为了履行第二十三条第四款端正的义务,缔约国必须保证婚配轨制在关系监护和顺心儿童、儿童的宗教和说念德讲授、儿童袭取父母国籍的本事和财产,不管是共同财产如故仅由妃耦一方领有的财产的所有权或解决等方面为妃耦两边端正对等的权柄和义务。

States parties should review their legislation to ensure that married women have equal rights in regard to the ownership and administration of such property, where necessary.


Also, States parties should ensure that no sex-based discrimination occurs in respect of the acquisition or loss of nationality by reason of marriage, of residence rights, and of the right of each spouse to retain the use of his or her original family name or to participate on an equal basis in the choice of a new family name.


Equality during marriage implies that husband and wife should participate equally in responsibility and authority within the family.


26. States parties must also ensure equality in regard to the dissolution of marriage, which excludes the possibility of repudiation.

26. 缔约国也必须保证澌灭婚约方面的对等,不允许有闭幕的可能。

The grounds for divorce and annulment should be the same for men and women, as well as decisions with regard to property distribution, alimony and the custody of children.


Determination of the need to maintain contact between children and the non-custodial parent should be based on equal considerations.


Women should also have equal inheritance rights to those of men when the dissolution of marriage is caused by the death of one of the spouses.


27. In giving effect to recognition of the family in the context of article 23, it is important to accept the concept of the various forms of family, including unmarried couples and their children and single parents and their children, and to ensure the equal treatment of women in these contexts (see general comment No. 19, paragraph 2).

27. 在承认第二十三条所指的家庭时,必须接受各式格局的家庭成见,包括独身佳耦过火子女和单亲过火子女的家庭,和保证在这些情形中对等对待妇女(见一般性意见19, 第2段)。

Single-parent families frequently consist of a single woman caring for one or more children, and States parties should describe what measures of support are in place to enable her to discharge her parental functions on the basis of equality with a man in a similar position.


28. The obligation of States parties to protect children (art. 24) should be carried out equally for boys and girls.

28. 缔约国保护儿童的义务(第二十四条)应该在对男童和女童对等的基础上履行。

States parties should report on measures taken to ensure that girls are treated equally to boys in education, in feeding and in health care, and provide the Committee with disaggregated data in this respect.


States parties should eradicate, both through legislation and any other appropriate measures, all cultural or religious practices which jeopardize the freedom and well-being of female children.


29. The right to participate in the conduct of public affairs is not fully implemented everywhere on an equal basis.

29. 参与巨匠事务的权柄并莫得在各地在对等基础上得到充分奉行。

States parties must ensure that the law guarantees to women the rights contained in article 25 on equal terms with men and take effective and positive measures to promote and ensure women’s participation in the conduct of public affairs and in public office, including appropriate affirmative action.


Effective measures taken by States parties to ensure that all persons entitled to vote are able to exercise that right should not be discriminatory on the grounds of sex.


The Committee requires States parties to provide statistical information on the percentage of women in publicly elected office, including the legislature, as well as in high-ranking civil service positions and the judiciary.


30. Discrimination against women is often intertwined with discrimination on other grounds such as race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

30. 对妇女的脑怒经常与基于诸如种族、肤色、话语、宗教、政事或其他见识、国籍或社会出身、财产、降生或其他地位等根由的脑怒纠缠在一皆。

States parties should address the ways in which any instances of discrimination on other grounds affect women in a particular way, and include information on the measures taken to counter these effects.


31. The right to equality before the law and freedom from discrimination, protected by article 26, requires States to act against discrimination by public and private agencies in all fields.

31. 受第二十六条保护的所有东说念主在法律眼前对等和不受脑怒的解放要求缔约国选拔行动,打击一切限制的巨匠和私东说念主机构的脑怒行径。

Discrimination against women in areas such as social security laws (communications Nos. 172/84, Broeks v. Netherlands, Views of 9 April 1987; 182/84, Zwaan de Vries v. the Netherlands, Views of 9 April 1987; 218/1986, Vos v. the Netherlands, Views of 29 March 1989) as well as in the area of citizenship or rights of non-citizens in a country (communication No. 035/1978, Aumeeruddy-Cziffra et al. v. Mauritius, Views adopted 9 April 1981) violates article 26.

在诸如社会保险法律的限制(第172/84号来文,《Broeks诉荷兰》,1987年4月9日的意见;第182/84号来文,《Zwaan de Vries诉荷兰》,1987年4月9日的意见;第218/1986号来文,《Vos诉荷兰》,1989年3月29日的意见)以及在一个国度的公民阅历或非公民权柄等限制(第035/1978号来文,《Aumeeruddy-Cziffra过火他东说念主诉毛里求斯》,1981年4月9日通过的意见)对妇女的脑怒有违第二十六条。

The commission of so-called “honour crimes” which remain unpunished constitutes a serious violation of the Covenant and in particular of articles 6, 14 and 26.


Laws which impose more severe penalties on women than on men for adultery or other offences also violate the requirement of equal treatment.


The Committee has also often observed in reviewing States parties’ reports that a large proportion of women are employed in areas which are not protected by labour laws and that prevailing customs and traditions discriminate against women, particularly with regard to access to better paid employment and to equal pay for work of equal value.


States parties should review their legislation and practices and take the lead in implementing all measures necessary to eliminate discrimination against women in all fields, for example by prohibiting discrimination by private actors in areas such as employment, education, political activities and the provision of accommodation, goods and services.


States parties should report on all these measures and provide information on the remedies available to victims of such discrimination.


32. The rights which persons belonging to minorities enjoy under article 27 of the Covenant in respect of their language, culture and religion do not authorize any State, group or person to violate the right to the equal enjoyment by women of any Covenant rights, including the right to equal protection of the law.

32. 属于少数群体的东说念主凭证《条约》第二十七条在其话语、文化和宗教方面享有的权柄并不授权任何国度、群体或东说念主违背妇女对等享受《条约》任何权柄的权柄,包括受法律对等保护的权柄。

States should report on any legislation or administrative practices related to membership in a minority community that might constitute an infringement of the equal rights of women under the Covenant (communication No. 24/1977, Lovelace v. Canada, Views adopted July 1981) and on measures taken or envisaged to ensure the equal right of men and women to enjoy all civil and political rights in the Covenant.


Likewise, States should report on measures taken to discharge their responsibilities in relation to cultural or religious practices within minority communities that affect the rights of women.


In their reports, States parties should pay attention to the contribution made by women to the cultural life of their communities.



{§1} Adopted by the Committee at its 1834th meeting (sixty-eighth session), on 29 March 2000.

{§1} 委员会在2000年3月29日第1834次会议(第六十八届会议)上通过。

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